The Tire Shop Team

Nothing But Tire’s Team is extremely important to us! With years of experience in customer service, new and used tire consultation we are proud to have put an incredible group of individuals here to help ensure you get the most affordable and reliable tires to fit your budget!

Nothing But Tires Team

Nothing But Tires Team, whether you are looking for tire product knowledge or help understanding what make and model of tire fits your vehicle, we are here to help you ensure you make an informed investment. Our Team of Professionals at Nothing But Tires is committed to only the highest standards of customer service and after sales support.

Thank you from the Nothing But Tires team, we appreciate the opportunity to earn your business!

Meet The Team

Director of This Magic Show

With the burning passion of a thousand stars, this man embraced tires from birth. His first words were tires and discount.

Quite often seen working late nights to ensure everything in the store is up to snuff. Occasionally seen taking power naps on a pile of tires as the smell lulls him peacefully to sleep.

He moonlights in the evening fighting low tire pressure crime and inspecting tread for uneven wear to inform potential customers.

Chief Operating Officer

His competitive nature is what drives this man. Not only did he have to be the quickest birth ever, being delivered in just under 3 seconds of labor, he had to be the first for the day. Travis was born at exactly 12:00:00AM on the 25th day of February.

Being a diehard mascot for NBT is tough business, high output requires high input. Travis requires a staggering 18,000 caloric intake a day to keep his energy up.

Whether managing the store or catching butterflies, Travis puts his best foot forward. Rest assured when you come on in he will take great care of you, or wander off to catch a butterfly, 50/50.

Sales Manager (Calgary) / Captivating Calgary Champion

Theres no secrets here, Jake was not our first pick. But there was something about this cool cat that made us consider hiring two people when we only really needed one. Yes he is qualified, yes he’s a stud, and it may have even been the unnecessarily long creepy handshake that showed us he was the perfect fit for our group of weird individuals.


Jake like many of our staff has been through a lot.

He has personally seen and lived in over 50 alternate reality/parallel universes, even the one where everyone is filled with helium and has hotdogs for fingers. Thats half the reason he joined up with us as in every reality NBT had the same quality product, prices and exceptional customer service, even in the helium/hotdog universe. YAH US!

This universe hopping has afforded Jake the ability to never age. Trust us, just keep checking his profile photo for the next 50 years, he WONT age.

Jake enjoys many things outside being at work. He stills plays lawn darts (yes he likes to live dangerously) and of course LOVES hotdogs. (That really was his favourite reality)

Jake will also giggle profusely at certain words. Make sure to say these words in between a sale with him
-Mollycoddle AND Collywobbles

Stop on in to make Jake giggle! Also ask him more about the alternate realities, he loves to chat about them.

Senior Sales Rep. / Motorcycle Maven

Colleen was a rare find indeed. Barrelling around the city streets on her motorcycle is lots of fun but it can be dangerous. On one outing she was riding alongside a vehicle and its tire unexpectedly came off and made its way towards her. It just so happened that the NBT Van was out that day and happened to be at the right place and at the right time.

Our van swooped in, opened its doors and thankfully captured the tire. It wasn’t until afterwards that our team members realized that they saved Colleen’s life. We really do just LOVE tires 😛

Colleen knew right away that the NBT team was where she wanted to be. The perfect mix of love of all things tires and serendipitous hero activity. She was at home.

Now as you know we don’t just hire the regulars so we asked this young woman to head out to attain some super powers as part of her prerequisite to join the team. To our surprise this was not necessary.

Colleen has many skills and hobbies that are so random but when put together create a perfect symphony. From the ability to duplicate herself at will to materializing chocolate chip cookies out of nowhere. From communicating with animals to making her arms stretch 10 feet long. FROM MIND CONTROL (We asked her to please not use this) to traveling to alternate realities it’s all pretty amazing stuff.

So next time you’re in need of tires, hungry for cookies, feeling like a good dog translated conversation or just need something taken off the top shelf while simultaneously chatting about your tire options, Colleen is here for you. She will duplicate herself to get the job done and if she can’t find a tire for you in this reality there’s always others.

Senior Sales Rep. / Doppelgänger Hunter

Andrew is a returning member to the team. He had quite the adventure to share with us upon his return.

Evil Twin Prelude :

Before sharing his story it’s important to note how Andrew came to have an evil twin that sent him away from us. The tag on mattresses stating DO NOT REMOVE is not just for the product’s safety, it’s for the safety of all mankind. He decided to test this precaution and an evil Andrew was born from the aether of his mistake.

Onto the story….

Having received an anonymous call Andrew had no choice but to follow what was once a cold case. This led him to the untamed wilds of Michigan for his last stand against…. himself.

From trying to physically restrain his twin to outwitting him nothing seemed to work. Battling your twin is a difficult task when it thinks exactly like you. They destroyed a LOT of infrastructure during this process.

Andrew had one final Hail Mary. Having put out a platter of delicious treats he thought even if the twin knew what was coming he may not be able to contain himself…and he was right. Without going into the “disposal” details Andrew succeeded.

Or at least we think it’s the same Andrew…

Now renewed with a new vigor for life Andrew is back home with us at NBT. Ready to dispose of any bad tires that come his way and replace them with our stock.

Be sure to stop in and see Andrew for all your tire needs. He’s the great looking guy at the front with the #2 tattooed behind his right ear….

Wait…#2 tattoo? Ehhh whichever one it is, we like this one.

Senior Sales Rep. / Mr. Roboto

Thank you very much, Mr. Roboto

Our resident android. But these things don’t just happen.

Forged from the iron of a distant asteroid from a distant race Braydyn is proof that someone higher is looking out for NBT. Apparently they knew of us from lightyears away and wanted to gift us with a special present.

As we all know, being superior at some things doesn’t make you superior at everything. That being said, this superior race didn’t have a firm grasp on human beings and how we are put together or operate.

Instead of giving him a love for sweet or salty food he was given a love of all things bread. Braydyn can often be seen either eating or giving away many bread products. We think this might actually be the only thing he eats.

Odd part is that he doesn’t so much eat it as he literally inhales it into his gullet. Another “enhancement” by the superior race I suppose.

Braydyn is indeed uniquely programmed as the following list proves :
He twiddles his fingers to enact his mind control
He waves his hands to control the weather
He thrusts his hair around to oddly create Kit Kat Bars…..iunno about this one.
He is one shoe click away from Kansas basically.

Come on down to check out this imperfectly perfect little bot of ours. Ask for a Kit Kat but make sure he’s thrusting and not waving or twiddling. Thrusting his HAIR…get your mind out of the gutter! 😛

Senior Sales Rep. / Young Guns Maverick

Stylish….Yesirreee he is on it!
Charm…you betcha!
Personality…oh you’ll find out with one encounter…short answer…YES
Knowledge…check check

It’s not always easy to find the right people despite there being so many amazing people in Alberta. Chris was a ringer that we headhunted to bring aboard….literally. We were at a boxing match and when the bell rang we grabbed him by the head and dragged him into the fold of NBT.

There was a glimmer…a shine..Chris was positively radiating with light. It wasn’t until we grabbed him that we realized it was just the spotlight he was sitting beside. EH! It’s alright. Chris loved our passion for finding the right person so much that he took off the next day to find his powers to match our team.

Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.

We just never knew how far he would go to achieve this greatness. We are forever grateful for it.

Remember Wonka Television? Well Chris used it to transport himself into hundreds of tv shows, movies and video games. This experience sharpened his skills for conversation and also made him a pro at first person shooters.

From there he took off to some lab (he still won’t tell us where) to infuse himself with some magic. I think he took too much but to each their own. Flying, super speed, eye lasers…he got the gold platinum package. Most of these things don’t even apply to the job requirements but at least we know we are protected if there is ever a need or a world needing saving.

When not wowing us at NBT Chris does enjoy his evenings and personal time. From parking lot parkour (whatever the heck that is) to creating abject art out of french fries and mayo he keeps busy.

Stop on in to meet the amazing Chris “Young Guns” Maverick. I’m sure he can share a few photos of his “art” while parkouring around to grab you some tires.

Inventory Specialist / Silliness Supreme – Expert Level

You would think he was a close relative of Mr. Roboto with his passion for perfection but alas he is not.

Monty came to us, your regular Clark Kent type and amazed us with what he brought to the table. But we knew that Clark Kent type had to have more inside of him just yearning to be let loose.

So off we went into the Magic School Bus to explore the inner workings of our little Monty. We stand by our statement that we took an appropriate entrance inside.

What we found is exactly what we are showing you in his profile picture. Zany, crazy, colorful and kooky. (We had to keep the grey profile theme. That’s our doing)

We dare not share all the other inner workings of him however upon leaving it seems it left a larger hole (still stand by our statement) that made everything spill out.

Monty is now…how to put it… same same but different. At first it was the little things we noticed like coughing nerds candies. The levitating on colorful wind currents was a dead giveaway. We did politely ask him to stop magically converting every tire’s color to magical swirls of tie-dye rainbow goodness.

We really like the Monty that spilled out despite some of the strangeness it brought. He always liked the outdoors but now he really focuses on the animals. We KNOW we saw him talking to a deer the other day. We asked Tom (The deer) and he spilled the beans.

Other than all of that he’s the same regular great Monty he always has been. Spending his spare time working on calculations to save the world from a zombie apocalypse and rubbing his feet on carpets to zap strangers and give them super powers. He’s a giver 🙂

If you see Monty around the racks of tires stop him and give him a realllly tight hug. Guaranteed nerds candies!

Our Honored Whom Have Left Us

soon to be MOTHER to twins MICHAELA

Candy Queen /  Former Chief Administration Officer

With a heavy heart but excitement for her new journey we mourn the loss of our beloved Micky. Such a wonderful ray of sunshine around the store. Her 5 year journey here was an amazing rise of a woman that approached NBT with excellence, passion and love for everything she did. From working front end sales she rose to Administration Officer for all of NBT.

We could write a novel about Micky. Micky could speak a novel about Micky (haha) and about anything of interest and that is why we love her so much! Always such a great conversation, such a great person, a great mother, and an amazing friend. Visit us always!

Historical Profile :
Friendly – CHECK
Bubbly – CHECK
Knowledgeable – CHECK CHECK

Michaela has coined the phrase “Out of this world”. Mainly because she literally is out of this world. She is actually a 6000 foot tall fire squid hiding inside that body!

When Michaela was a young squid she yearned for more than consuming universes and laughing about it with her friends. So she ventured to earth where she knew there was more opportunity. However she also knew she would have to take a human form to fit in with us earthlings. She went through a lot of bodies before she found the right fit. Side note – She actually tried Jakes body as well.

When Michaela walked into the store she was very forthcoming about her background and for this reason we decided she was a great fit with us! Openness, honestly, integrity is exactly what you expect to get from Michaela.

She does have a strange addiction to munchies of any kind & you’ll often see her snacking around the store. She said the candy reminds her of what a universe used to taste like.

Stop on in to see our little squiddy Michaela, bring candy to really win her over 😛


At Nothing But Tires, we are in the business of saving you money while providing you with the best service possible. We take pride in our work and show appreciation to our customers.

  • Discount tires at discount prices

  • Quality new and used tires

  • Outstanding customer service guaranteed

  • Knowledgeable staff to answer your tire questions

  • High response rate


Nothing But tires Team Commitment

Nothing But Tires Team are committed to help you find the most affordable tires to meet your budget ensure you are safely driving within hours. The Team at Nothing But Tires is passionate in helping Albertans gain access to inexpensive tires that will ensure they are happily driving within hours!

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Let us know if you have any questions related to our consignment Program, our business, or if you just wanted to say hello!



    14545 118 Avenue NW
    Edmonton, AB T5L 2M7
    MON – FRI: 10AM – 6PM
    SAT: 9AM – 5PM




    14545 118 Avenue NW
    Edmonton, AB T5L 2M7
    MON – FRI: 10AM – 6PM
    SAT: 9AM – 5PM